Make Them Smile 2
Tahadi Algeria, with the help of volunteers, is preparing a year-round event which is held every year before Eid, called “Make Them Smile”.
Throughout the year, Tahadi ALGERIA volunteers collect toys, games, books, childcare equipment from the Algerian diaspora …
All second-hand equipment is cleaned or washed, sorted and checked, possibly completed and repaired before being boxed and sent to Algeria.
The toys collected are intended for hospitals and associations to help sick children, and for hospitals the toys will be given to the hospitalized child by nursing staff to accompany treatment.
Cost of Make Them Smile 2 Action :
Collecting, cleaning and packing toys: Sarah, Mahmoud & Lyes (Volunteering)
Packaging box: 40 x 72 L box Offered by Lyes
Storage space: Provided free of charge by Lyes
Transport: 1000 euro (393 Kilo x 3euro (1179 - 179 offered by the carrier)
Total transport: 1000 euro
motorway toll: 100 euro Gasoline: 130 euro
Contact Us
Tahadi Algeria
Tahadi (France Office)
Tahadi (UK Office)
Tahadi for Modernity and Democracy
No power in the world can stand in the face of an idea that’s a high time for it to come. The formation of our party is first and foremost encouraged by a massive outburst of the Algerian people that began in February 2019 and reached its peak in the beginning of March, the same year.
Our party will strive by word and deed to change the whole body that govern our country, and set the ground for establishing a nation of justice and law, and build Algeria again but with only Algerians themselves without any sort of discrimination TAHADI party breaks up with a stagnant political system that exists since the Independence Day and will spread hope and positive expectations for the future.